Hi Team,
I have 3 sentinels and 3 redis cluster setup in 3 nodes (1 sentinel and 1 redis running on each node). I have enabled password-only authentication for Sentinels and the Redis servers.
I want to disable the password on the sentinel instances. When I tried to comment the line sentinel sentinel-pass RedisSentinelPassword and resart all the sentinel instances, its still prompting for the password. I even tried to create new conf file and started sentinel from that file, but it didn’t help; still prompted for password.
I have gone through official documentation and explored extensively on the web but couldn’t find a fix.
Can anyone please help on how to disable the password on sentinel instances. What am I missing here?
port 5000
sentinel monitor amatrediscluster dcaldd906 6389 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds amatrediscluster 5000
sentinel failover-timeout amatrediscluster 5000
sentinel parallel-syncs amatrediscluster 1
logfile “/app/redis-6.2.6/redis_6389_sentinel.log”
daemonize yes
pidfile “/var/run/redis-sentinel.pid”
protected-mode no
sentinel resolve-hostnames yes
requirepass “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
sentinel auth-pass amatrediscluster gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC
sentinel sentinel-pass RedisSentinelPassword
port 5003
sentinel monitor amatrediscluster dcaldd907 6389 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds amatrediscluster 5003
sentinel failover-timeout amatrediscluster 5000
sentinel parallel-syncs amatrediscluster 1
logfile “/app/redis-6.2.6/redis_6389_sentinel.log”
daemonize yes
pidfile “/var/run/redis-sentinel.pid”
protected-mode no
sentinel resolve-hostnames yes
requirepass “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
sentinel auth-pass amatrediscluster gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC
sentinel sentinel-pass RedisSentinelPassword
port 5002
sentinel monitor amatrediscluster dcilca1848 6389 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds amatrediscluster 5002
sentinel failover-timeout amatrediscluster 5000
sentinel parallel-syncs amatrediscluster 1
logfile “/app/redis-6.2.6/redis_6389_sentinel.log”
daemonize yes
pidfile “/var/run/redis-sentinel.pid”
protected-mode no
sentinel resolve-hostnames yes
requirepass “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
sentinel auth-pass amatrediscluster gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC
sentinel sentinel-pass RedisSentinelPassword
Redis Conf files on all 3 nodes
protected-mode no
port 6389
daemonize yes
pidfile “/var/run/redis_6389.pid”
loglevel notice
logfile “/app/redis-6.2.6/redis_6389.log”
dbfilename “dump.rdb”
dir “/app/redis-6.2.6”
masterauth “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
requirepass “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
appendonly yes
appendfilename “appendonly.aof”
I enabled password in Sentinel like below:> ACL SETUSER default ON >RedisSentinelPassword
OK> ACL SETUSER default off
OK> AUTH RedisSentinelPassword
I enabled password in Redis servers like below:
CONFIG SET requirepass “gynYYlg0SWmOHsLC”
config rewrite