@dsolnik The first query you suggested should be fine! I now realize this is not in our documentation, which we’ll have to update soon, but RedisGraph does support label disjunction.
Internally, RedisGraph will add the two adjacency matrices for E1 and E2 before performing traversals, so traversing multiple edge types this way shouldn’t even incur too much of a performance hit.
I just realized that I might have misunderstood your response. Are we referring to the syntax using the | or using the “all”? The “|” syntax is supported?
I will make a pr editing to the docs on Monday to include an answer to this question.
Ah, sorry! The pipe syntax is supported, so you can traverse edge types of either E1 or E2 with the query:
“MATCH (a: A)-[:E1|E2]->(b: B)”
As you originally hoped.