What are the reasons to use Redis as an application cache?

As we all know technology advances by leaps and bounds, it is because of this that technology companies, large or small, must constantly reevaluate their methodology and data storage. It is at this point where Cache is fundamental, Redis supports a configurable eviction policy and allows intelligent Cache storage, meaning that it stores more advanced caching data.

the question I have for forum members is:

What are the reasons to use Redis as an application cache?


Single line answer to "use Redis as cache for your applications is boost performance to serve your application response that user acceptance. "

Below is more techno-commercial challenges/reasons why you need app cache:

  1. Performance - Redis is in-memory, written in C and gives amazingly best performance
  2. Scalability - Redis allows easy scaling by partitioning
  3. Simplicity - Redis simple to integrate and support 50 + different languages client libraries
  4. Choice of data-structures to choose - Redis supports strings, hashes, list, sets, sorted sets etc basic data structures as well modules
  5. OSS Community and Enterprise support - Redis most loved nosql database

We use Redis for a few basic reasons - ease of use, scalability, and performance. Additionally, since it is an in-memory data structure store it is very flexible and can be much more than just an application cache.

The difference between Redis and other caching mechanism is that Redis is a distributed cache, means that your application does not need to implement the caching itself, and instead, it can offload caching to redis. Using redis also will alleviate issues with implementing caching yourself, for example persistence, reliability and scalability.

The high-speed cache makes Redis very practical to build applications with this tool, which can be built with better responsiveness and scalability capabilities by having data much closer to the applications, reducing traffic to data sources. .

for example: when the application receives a request to obtain a result, the application first searches if the information is in Redis, if it does not find it, it makes the query to the data source and stores the data in Redis to deliver the response in another query .