HI, all,
I’d ask at the github for grafana-timeseries but I can’t figure out github 2fa, so if there is anyone cross-connected,
here’s my question:
One of the steps of the grafana-redistimeseries-master README.md setup is to:
“point to the URL for your GrafanaDatastoreServer.py”
I have no clue how to do this. I see the file GrafanaDatastoreServer.py, but it is a file in a directory, not a URL.
Does this mean I have to run a server? What kind of server?
Thanks for any help.
bob s.
Hi Bob,
Yes, you would have to run a separate service.
You can build a docker image via the Dockerfile in the repo, https://github.com/RedisTimeSeries/grafana-redistimeseries/blob/master/Dockerfile but this also documents quite well how to run it without docker. How it’s all wired together (grafana, the grafana-timeseries server and redistimeseries) is explained in the docker-compose file here: https://github.com/RedisTimeSeries/grafana-redistimeseries/blob/master/compose/docker-compose.yml.
We are planning to publish this container in the near future so you would not have to build it yourself.
Does this help you forward?
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