Learn rediSearch

Hi all,
I would like to learn rediSearch. I searched in internet for a reference book, manual, step by step guide… but without results. The only thing I have found is the “redisearch course” (https://university.redislabs.com/courses/course-v1:redislabs+RU201+2018_01/about) but it is closed. Does anyone know a book or a step by step guide for learning redisearch?

Thanks in advance and kind regards.

The best way to learn redisearch is to load it and try it out… there are complete instructions here: https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/index.html it only takes a day or so to get it running and learn the basics…

There is a good video introduction from RedisConf 2018 https://youtu.be/B_BVmJ90X8Q

There is a Quckstart demo here: https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/Quick_Start.html

  • I like the Auto-complete example at the bottom

And definitely take a look at the blog posts: https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/#blog_posts


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Hello, try this, it’s very good:


terça-feira, 15 de Outubro de 2019 às 07:05:47 UTC+1, Driven escreveu:

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The best thing to do is look for the documentation offered by the redis community, open your container and start testing the RedisSearch commands.

RedisSearch works as a fast search engine, which runs with its Redis dataset, which allows the query of data that has just been indexed, the RedisSearch search engine drives other modules such as RedisGraph and RedisTimeSeries.


-Full text search
-Indexing in real time.
-Secondary indexation
-Social networks


Thank you @Beck for this information.

Apart from what was mentioned above, RedisSearch has several functions.

Supports search and filter capabilities such as geospatial surveys, ID-only retrieval, and punctuation of custom documents.

Document Storage:

RedisSearch indexes documents, which are a list of value field pairs. The index knows how to store the fields but it is not enough. Data needs to be stored for recovery.

To store documents, the RedisSearch engine relies on Redis Hash, where each document is represented by a unique key and each property and its value by a key and a Hash element.