Purpose of transactions (watch/multi/exec) for RedisGraph where DBs are a single Redis key

Hello all!

I’ve got a question about concurrent graph modifications with RedisGraph and Redis’ transaction support. Transaction support is made possible by using Redis’ “multi” keyword, followed by a set of commands, followed by an “exec” directive. I was using this the other day for bulk insert support, specifically because it offers the ability to receive back individual query results / responses. The implantation for bulk loading prior only worked for “create” statements (that are unbounded, or matched) and would chain entities together: ex 'graph.query asdf “create (:thing {age: 33}), (:thing {age: 21})”.

I’ve found that if this process runs concurrently Redis quickly falls into a state where it doesn’t crash but it locks up and stops responding to any command. So, I thought, perhaps this is where I’m supposed to use watch / unwatch. My understanding of this function is that it allows the clients who are committing transactions to know whether a key has been updated since the watch began in an effort to sort of circumvent the need for rollback – i.e. the watch fails or denotes the key was updated, cancel your transaction and try again.

Anyway, JRedisGraph implements this functionality atop the Jedis library. Other RedisGraph clients likely do the same (I haven’t looked).

My question is: what purpose do transactions support in / for RedisGraph where an app/user/function is operating almost entirely on one Redis key?

  @Grab(group='com.redislabs', module='jredisgraph', version='2.0.2'), 
  @Grab(group='redis.clients', module='jedis', version='3.3.0')

import com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.api.RedisGraph
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool

def config = new GenericObjectPoolConfig()
def jedisPool = new JedisPool(config)
def graph = new RedisGraph(jedisPool)

def createQueries = [] // this contains the queries

graph.getContext().withCloseable { context ->
  context.multi().withCloseable { transaction ->
    createQueries.each { query ->
      transaction.query(db, query)
    def result = transaction.exec()
    if (result) {
      // yay, store them  
    } else {
      // a null result means the watch failed, the key was altered by another process since the watch was opened

Hi @durbinjo593,

Let me try to address all of the points you’ve raised.

I’ve found that if this process runs concurrently Redis quickly falls into a state where it doesn’t crash but it locks up and stops responding to any command.

Are you referring to the process of using MULTI-EXEC to introduce a number of changes to a graph?
If so, it is important to know that when a module executes a command which is part of a MULTI-EXEC sequence the module must process that command on Redis main thread, this is one of the restrictions enforced on modules by Redis, now as long as a module is processing on Redis main thread, Redis won’t be able to process anything.

My understanding of this function is that it allows the clients who are committing transactions to know whether a key has been updated since the watch began

You’re absolutely right.

what purpose do transactions support in / for RedisGraph where an app/user/function is operating almost entirely on one Redis key?

In cases where multiple users interact with the same graph object, transactions can be used to guarantee data consistency and integrity.

I hope I’ve managed to answer your questions.