RedisInsight: can't set gui port

I’ve followed the instructions here (Configuring RedisInsight | Redis Documentation Center) to configure the RIPORT, and I’ve confirmed (echo $RIPORT) that it’s set to the port I need, but when restarting RedisInsight it opens up again on the default (8001) port.

Anything I need to be doing other than export RIPORT=7001? is there something I need to add to PATH?

Any suggestions? I’m using .zsh on MacOS.


Hey @espeluette, maybe cross check whether the variable is set properly.

In case of Linux/Mac build, you can either do:

  • export RIPORT=xxxx; ./redisinsight
  • RIPORT=xxxx redisinsight

In case of docker:
docker run -e RIPORT=xxxx redislabs/redisinsight