Public Endpoint

Olá a todos,
gostaria de saber se tem como acessar a base de dados no Redis tendo uma conta gratuíta.
Me refiro especificamente acessar a mesma com NodeJs usando um Endpoint público,
notei que para a conta gratuíta, ele me fornece um endpoint iniciando com “redis-”, já em um vídeo
usou-se com endpoint “pub-redis”. Antes de efetuar o pagamento ou mudar de plano, gostaria de saber se há uma forma de eu testar com a minha conta gratuíta.



If possible please post in English.

Yes you can use Redis Cloud Essentials and get a free database(30Mb).

  1. Go to
  2. Create your Account and Activate it
  3. Then when you create the Subscription choose the “Essentials” and “30Mb Free”
  4. Create your database

You can select your cloud provider and create your database.

When the database is created you will have access to an endpoint that you will be able to use in your application (node.js or other)

Related documentation:


Google translate:

I would like to know if you have access to the database on Redis with a free account.
I mean specifically accessing it with NodeJs using a public Endpoint,
I noticed that for the free account, he provides me with an endpoint starting with “redis-”, already in a video
used with “pub-redis” endpoint. Before making a payment or changing my plan, I would like to know if there is a way for me to test with my free account.

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Thanks, i followed these steps but my issure is, the point is private and i can not acess from this point wich starts with “redis” , i would like to know how get public endpoint like “pub-redis”